TMJ refers to the temporomandibular joint, which is the joint that connects your jawbone (mandible) to your skull. It plays a crucial role in activities like chewing, speaking, and even facial expressions.

TMJ Dentistry is a dental specialty that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and management of TMJ disorders. These disorders can cause a range of symptoms, including jaw pain, clicking or popping sounds when opening or closing the mouth, headaches, earaches, and difficulty in jaw movement.

Dentists who specialize in TMJ dentistry may use various treatment approaches, including oral appliances, physical therapy, medication, and in severe cases, surgery, to address TMJ disorders and alleviate associated symptoms.

Neuromuscular Dentistry

Neuromuscular Dentistry is a field within dentistry that focuses on the relationship between the muscles of the jaw, the temporomandibular joint, and the occlusion (bite) of the teeth.

The core principle of neuromuscular dentistry is achieving a balanced and harmonious relationship between these components to ensure proper jaw function and alleviate symptoms related to TMJ disorders.

Neuromuscular dentists use various diagnostic tools, including electromyography (EMG) and computerized jaw tracking, to assess the patient's jaw position, muscle activity, and bite alignment

Treatment in neuromuscular dentistry may involve the use of custom-made oral appliances, dental restorations (like dental crowns or orthodontics), and muscle relaxation techniques to achieve a more optimal and pain-free jaw position.

Both TMJ Dentistry and Neuromuscular Dentistry are concerned with the proper functioning of the jaw and the relief of symptoms associated with TMJ disorders. They often involve a comprehensive approach to diagnosis and treatment, considering the relationship between dental occlusion, jaw muscles, and the temporomandibular joint. Patients experiencing TMJ-related discomfort or pain may benefit from consulting with dentists who specialize in these fields to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for their specific condition.


Dentists trained in TMJ not only treat dental problems, but also educate both children and parents on proper oral hygiene practices. At Desired Smiles, our professionals will teach kids how to brush and floss effectively and encourage healthy habits from an early age.

Early Intervention

The dentists at Desired Smiles are skilled in identifying and addressing dental issues in their early stages. We can diagnose and treat problems like crooked teeth, misaligned jaws, and bite issues. Early intervention can often reduce the need for more extensive treatments later on.

Behavior Management

We understand the importance of communication and behavioral management when it comes to working with kids. Our dentists are trained to create a comfortable and friendly environment to help children feel at ease during dental visits.

Emergency Care

Desired Smiles operates on flexible hours from Monday through Friday. Our dentists can help with dental emergencies such as toothaches, broken teeth, or dental trauma. They can provide immediate relief and treatment as needed.

Specialized Equipment

Our offices are equipped with child-friendly tools and equipment designed to accommodate all mouth sizes, including the developing teeth of children.

Dental Emergencies

We are equipped to handle dental emergencies involving children and adults, from tooth injuries, abscesses, or severe toothaches.

Special Needs Dentistry

Our dentists are trained in providing dental care to those with special needs or medical conditions that affect their oral health.

The goal of special needs dentistry is to promote good oral health habits in our patients and to ensure that they have a positive dental experience, setting the foundation for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums.